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I'm getting a license error. What should I do?

Here’s a troubleshooting checklist for floating licenses used in SGX and SG Com:

  1. Check to see if your license expired. If unsure, contact Customer Support to check the status of your license. Please include logs and exit code. For renewal, contact your account manager.

  2. Make sure that the TCP ports (that were delivered to you when you received the license) are open in your firewall.

  3. Make sure the license file has not been moved and is in a location that is connected to the filesystem.

  4. Are all of your floating seats checked out? If you do not have an unlimited license, you may have hit your active floating seat allocation.

    1. If you cannot tell how many seats are in use, or if it seems that a license has not been released on termination, contact Customer Support.

    2. To order more seats, please contact your account manager.

Don’t hesitate to contact Customer Support if your issue is unresolved.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.