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SG Com UE Configuration

The SG Com Session component has several configurable settings (mostly corresponding to Engine configuration and Player configuration in SG Com API) which can be found under the component’s Config category. Their values can also be set via blueprint.



Character File Path

Path to the Character Control File (*.k).

Audio Sample Type

The type of incoming audio samples. This can be 16- bit integer, 32 bit integer or 32 bit float.

Audio Sample Rate

The sample rate of the incoming audio data.

Audio Buffer Seconds

The amount of audio in seconds that the input buffer can hold. This should be at least as large as the largest audio chunk.

Animation Buffer Seconds

The amount of animation data in seconds that the output buffer can hold. This should be at least as large as the audio buffer.

Enable Idle

Whether idle animation will be played when no audio data is being input.

Fixed Random Seed

Whether a fixed seed will be used in random number generators for deterministic output.

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