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What is SG Com?

The SG Com SDK provides access to Speech Graphics' real-time audio-driven facial animation technology, enabling developers to build applications with avatars driven by voice.

SG Com converts an audio stream into high-fidelity facial animation which may be streamed to other endpoints. The processing delay between input and output is 50 milliseconds.

The SDK includes:

C# bindings and sample Unity integrations are also available on request.

SG Com features

  • Accurate lip sync in any language for any character

  • Automatic detection of emotion (positive, negative, neutral)

  • Automatic detection of nonverbal vocalizations such as laughter and grunts

  • Automatic detection of audible breaths

  • Full-face expressions, driven by detected emotion or vocalizations

  • Head motion appropriate for the current speech

  • Chest breath motion that is timed with the speech and audible breath

  • Blinks and eye microdarts

  • Fully live and interruptable behavior

  • Idle behavior during quiet periods

  • Roles for both speaking and listening (reacting to speech)

  • Variety of live behavior controls with which to direct the behavior mode, facial expression, and characteristics such as intensity and speed of movements or frequency of changes

  • Notifications for changes in behavior mode, expression, voice activity and breath

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