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Standard Installation

  1. Uninstall all previous versions of SGX.

  2. Run the SGX installer as administrator.

  3. When prompted, supply the location of the license file sg.lic that was supplied to you.

  4. When prompted, give the installation destination. The default destination will be "C:\Program Files\Speech Graphics\SGX".

  5. After the installer finishes, you may add "%SGXDIR%\bin" to the Path in your user environment variables, so that sgx.exe is found.

Using an External Installation

To use an external installation (e.g. on a server, from a download, or from an administrator account), you just need to set the user environment variables to point to the required components.

  • SGXDIR is the path of the installed folder SGX.

  • SG_LIC is the path of the license file sg.lic.

In addition, you'll need to edit your Maya environment so that the SGX Maya plugin can be found. In the file


add the line


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