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Any language, (including made up languages), is supported by audio-only (transcriptionless) processing. However to achieve the highest quality of animation output, it's best to provide transcripts in the input as well.

Support of transcripts requires using a language module for the specific language or dialect being used. It's always essential to use the right language module for both the language and dialect heard in the audio. For example, if the speaker is speaking British English, use English_GB-EAW, not English_US.

Supported Languages

  • English (American, English/Welsh, Scottish)

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Mandarin (Traditional and simplified characters)

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Russian

  • Spanish (European and Mexican)

Supported Regions

For some languages, we provide modules that are specifically tuned to handle particular dialects. The dialect modules are distinguished using ISO regional codes. Following are the codes currently in use:




United States


Great Britain: England & Wales





These are used to name the following dialect modules:

  • English_US

  • English_GB_EAW

  • Spanish_ES

  • Spanish_MX

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