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The time attribute is useful for placing markup tags at arbitrary points in the audio. This is especially useful when there is no transcript, or when the words in the transcript are not useful for pinpointing the location where you want the tag to be. Time values are in seconds, and are relative to the beginning of the audio.

The default setting for the time in a tag is determined by the transcript, or lacking that, 0.0.

The range for time is [0.0 to max], where max is the duration of the audio. 

Here is an example:

(mood=neutral) (mood=angry, time=2.5) (mood=worried, time=6.3) 
(mood=positive, time=9.0) 

In this case, first tag starts at the beginning of the clip (0.0), the second tag starts 2.5 seconds into the file, the third tag starts at 6.3 seconds, and the forth at 9.0 seconds.  Just as with tags in between words, the tags at these time points define the properties up to the next tag.

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