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Installing SGX Studio Maya

Follow these instructions to install SGX Studio:

  1. Uninstall any version of SGX Studio Maya prior to 4.1.0.

  2. Download the latest version of SGX Studio Maya.

  3. Run SGX_Studio_Maya-4.x.x_install.exe.

  4. When prompted, supply the location of the license file (.lic).

  5. When prompted, provide the installation destination. The default destination will be "C:\Program Files\Speech Graphics\SGX Studio Maya". (Note this location requires running the installer as Adminstrator.)

  6. After running the installer, find the module file, sgx_studio.mod in the installation folder. In order to allow Maya to find the SGX Studio module, you may do either one of the following:

    • copy/move sgx_studio.mod into the user’s Documents\maya\modules folder; OR

    • add the directory containing the sgx_studio.mod file to the MAYA_MODULE_PATHin the user's Maya.env file.

  7. Open Maya.

  8. Open the Plug-in Manager, find and load the plugin sgx_studio.mll.

  9. You should now find “Speech Graphics” in the main menu, and the option to show the plugin:

Manual installation

After installing on one machine, the installation may be copied to other machines, where you will need to follow steps 6-9 above. As of SGX Studio Maya 4.1.2, there are no longer any environment variables to set.

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