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UE6. Importing Animation

SGX event files can be imported into Unreal as animation sequence assets. This option can be found under the Animation tab of SGX Studio.

In the Input dropdown menu, there are three options for import target:

  • Single - the path of a single event file

  • Directory - the path of a directory containing event files to import as a batch

  • List - the path of a file containg a list of event file paths to import as a batch (one path per line)

In order to import the event(s):

  1. Make sure a character control file is loaded.

  2. Select the event input type.

  3. Choose the input path.

  4. Choose the output path where the animation sequence assets will be saved.

  5. If you would like the animation data in the sequence to be additive then check the Additive Animation box (this can be changed later by editing the asset directly).

  6. Click Import.

Note that the animation sequences will be generated in the selected output location. They are new, unsaved assets, so be sure to save them before exiting the editor if you wish to keep them permanently in the Unreal project.

Note that if you do not choose Additive Animation, your animation might appear low-intensity as it may be averaged with other animations.

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