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Exporting Sequences

Exporting animation

As described in Integrating Animation, there are multiple ways to extract animation from SGX events. The primary approach is to use SGX Studio plugins (in Maya, Unreal, etc.). However another approach is to export animation in a plain-text format called RegularTime Series (.rts), which can be imported into any format using a custom script.

To export animation interactively for an event loaded into SGX Director, select the event to make it current, click File > Save > Export Animation, and browse for the location to which to save the RTS file. RTS files can also be exported as part of batch processing.

Exporting metadata

See Exporting metadata in SGX Concepts on the uses of exported metadata. There are two ways in SGX Director to export metadata from the current event:

  • File > Save > Export Sequence to export the currently selected sequence

  • File > Save > Export Metadata to export all of the metadata in the current event

Metadata export is also available as part of batch processing.

Note that in order to export SGX metadata, the metadata export feature must be enabled on your license. Contact customer support or your account manager for more information.

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