SGX Producer
SGX Producer is the core batch processing system of SGX. It is a command-line executable for Windows, and can be found in the SGX Production Tools installation at SGX_ProductionTools/bin/SGX_Producer.exe
See SGX Batch Processing for a general introduction to batch processing.
The program can be launched in two ways:
By running the executable directly on the command line.
Via the more user-friendly batch processing interface in SGX Director, which launches an instance of SGX Producer (see Batch Processing in the SGX Director product guide).
There are currently three main commands in SGX Producer:
Help command
The help command prints version/copyright information and usage information.
SGX_Producer.exe help
About command
The about command prints version/copyright information, and opens a web page in your default browser listing notices and additional terms for licensed third-party software components included within SGX.
SGX_Producer.exe about
Process command
The process command executes audio-to-animation processing on a given batch. This command can be launched alternatively from the SGX Director batch tab.
As discussed in SGX Batch Processing, there are two batch processing modes:
process new events
process existing events
In SGX Producer, the default mode is process existing events. In order to process new events, use the -i
option, which specifies the location from where new audio and transcripts will be imported into new events.
SGX_Producer.exe process -e <events_path> -c <character_path>
[-i <import_path>] [-f] [ -L<languages_path> ] [ -l<language_name> ]
[ -b behavior_settings ] [-P <pre-roll>] [-Q <post-roll>]
[-A] [-N] [-E] [-M] [-r <framerate>] [-x <custom_parameters>]
Options without arguments are booleans — true if present, false otherwise.
Option | Status | Argument | Description |
| required | Path | The path to the directory containing events to be processed. In process new events mode, this is where new events will be output. |
| required | Path | The path to the character control file. See Processing Configuration - Character. |
| optional | Path | The path containing input audio and transcript files to import. This may be a directory or spreadsheet ( |
| optional | None | Whether newly created events can overwrite existing events with the same name in the events directory. Only relevant in process new events mode. |
| optional | Path | The path of the directory containing the language modules. See Installing Language Packs. |
| optional | String | The language module base name (e.g. |
| optional | String | Behavior settings as a string made up of markup attributes. See example below. |
| optional | Number | Add pre-roll to each animation. Either provide a fixed time value (in milliseconds), or “0” for auto-calculation. See Pre Roll . The actual duration of pre-roll added will be reported in the Batch Report. |
| optional | Number | Add post-roll to each animation. Either provide a fixed time value (in milliseconds), or “0” for auto-calculation. See Post Roll . The actual duration of post-roll added will be reported in the Batch Report. |
| optional | Number | Frame rate of all output events in frames/second. See Frame Rate. |
| optional | None | Active start option (see Active Start ). |
| optional | None | Neutral finish option (see Neutral Finish). |
| optional | None | Export animation as plain-text RTS files alongside event files (see Export animation ). |
| optional | None | Export metadata from events. |
| optional | String | List of parameters for custom or experimental features, in the format |
Example processing command including only the required arguments:
SGX_Producer.exe process -e "C:/Events" -c "C:/Characters/Vivian.k"
Example processing command including optional arguments:
SGX_Producer.exe process -e "C:/Events" -c "C:/Characters/Vivian.k" -i "C:/Characters/Audio"
-L "C:/Languages" -l English_GB-EAW_1.1
-b "mode=\"Neutral\" auto_modes=\"positive,negative,effort\" speech_magnitude=\"1.050000\" nonverbal_magnitude=\"1.200000\" "
-P 0 -Q 0 -N -E -M
Exit Codes
The SGX_Producer.exe
program has these exit codes:
0 - success
1 - license error
2 - input error
3 - processing error